Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cash Leverage Mogul

Think of it this way...

Right now all you have is you. And you alone
can only do so much.

If you are going to truly become a mogul you'll
need a team organized by responsibility like...
- Marketing Division
- PR Division
- Support Division
- Deal Division
- Banking and Credit Division

Total annual salary for a team like that would
be in the ball park of $1,065,000!


What if...

You could just leverage a team of experts
already in place?

And do it for a TINY fraction of the cost.

And totally avoid the hiring process, research,
mistakes, payroll, etc.

Oh, and the whole team was ready to start
getting you leads ASAP.

And what if that team was already trained
in results driven methods and have already
done tons of deals?

Wouldn't you want that team?

You can have it.

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